
Snow Report


Snow- & Weather report

After the rather heavy snowstorm last week, some calm returned to Bakhmaro. The temperatures remained very low for several days and only rose again to just below zero degrees during the course of the week. On Friday it then became quite warm during the day.

The wind continued to transport a lot of snow and by Thursday the snow had compacted on open slopes. In areas sheltered from the wind the snow remained nice and fluffy. The sun shone all week with only a few clouds in the sky.

This was definitely one of the best weeks of the season and that in March!

Snow Data

  • Snow depth Bakhmaro: 350 cm
  • Snow depth project X: 400 cm
  • Last snowfall: 02/03/2025
  • Amount of fresh snow: 20 cm
  • Low temperature: -18 C°
  • Maximum temperature: -1 C°

Freeride & Tour

A dream week is behind us.

Lots of snow that was easy to ride on and not too deep. With a good 2 meters of fresh snow, there is also the risk that it will be too deep to enjoy freeriding.

With the amount of fresh snow, breaking in the tracks took quite a bit of time. On Wednesday, groups rode the Japanese Trees for the first time. Shridila was not tracked until Friday due to large snow drifts.

We had the project X groups in Bakhmaro for 2 nights until we were able to establish a connection to project X over the mountain. After that, the two groups had the area to themselves. The group at Wolfsbed Hut was the last group in this hut. Unfortunately, we have to close the hut because the free loaders from Bakhmaro are deliberately making further operation of the hut impossible.

Tips & Infos

Last snow report 2024/25

We end the newsletter with this snow report. We have one more arrival on Saturday and the last departure on March 15th. The weather forecast is great with lots of sun, the snow forecast is less great as it is supposed to be quite warm. We will find some nice slopes and do more technical things at higher altitudes.

We would like to thank all the freeriders and partners for the great season. I would also like to thank all the guides and our team for once again giving their all to make freeride adventures in the Lesser Caucasus possible.

During the season we send out a link to this snow report every week to inform you as a freerider about the snow conditions and the course of the season, to give tips for your tour and to introduce the team. Of course we also want to increase the anticipation. If you no longer wish to receive the link, you can unsubscribe from the snow report at any time. With the end of the season we also stop the weekly snow report.